Exhibition “Bridges and People” on Display at IUS
On Friday, May 13, 2022, an exhibition “Bridges and People” was opened at the International University of Sarajevo (IUS).
The exhibition displays artwork of a TRT host Esra Kaya and the curator is Assistant Professor Muhammed Yasir Göz from the study program Visual Arts and Visual Communications Design at IUS.
Ms. Kaya said that bridges not only connect cities but people as well and they symbolize mutual culture, friendship and brotherhood.
“We don’t need a bridge with Bosnia and Herzegovina. We already have the same roots and the same ancestors: Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han and the Ottoman Empire. Our brotherhood dates back to that period”, said Ms. Kaya.
She added that bridges are the symbol of Bosnia and Herzegovina and when this country is mentioned, the first thing that comes to her mind is the Old Bridge in Mostar.
Ms. Kaya said that the motives in her artwork are mostly men, women, children, village life and animals.
“I have also painted the bridges that connect us, and for my amateur artwork I used watercolors”, she stated adding that the Old Bridge in Mostar and the love for painting people were her inspiration for the exhibition “Bridges and People”.