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Prominent graphic designer Haris Jusović holds a guest lecture at IUS

On October, 21st, Assistant Professor Emir Hambo hosted guest lecturer Haris Jusović, a famous Bosnian graphic designer, within the scope of Design studio course at Visual Arts and Communication Design program (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences). Students from 3D Design course held by Assistant Professor Roman Sulejmanpašić attended the lecture as well. Mr. Jusović’s portfolio contains designs for biggest corporations in the world, but to B&H audience, he is most famous for his artwork that he shares on social media. His design spans from witty and fun to serious and social commentary. Mr. Jusović spoke about his influences and variations of his design. His message to students was to listen to their heart and intuition and in this way, they will be more content and others will recognize their talent and hire them.
